Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Everybody Hurts

And you thought your life sucked...
I’m sure just like me, once in a while you’ve found yourself thinking...why is nothing going right in my life right now? You just lost your job..Or came to the realization that you hate it. You just broke up with your significant other and you want to drown your misery in a tub of Hagen Daaz. You realized that all the Hagen Daaz you ate made you gain 10 pounds. You realized that your love affair with expensive shoes has seriously dented your financial status...And you feel like no one else in the world has it as sucky as you do...Well, stop whining!
Last Friday, I found out that one of my oldest and dearest lifelong friends has thyroid cancer. I was in total shock. Here is a young, bright, beautiful, energetic force having to face a really challenging chapter in her life. They had to remove her thyroid and in a few weeks, she’ll have to undergo chemotherapy and testing via radioactive isotopes to see if there is any cancer left...meaning if it has spread or not. I cried on Friday night. I cried for the injustice dealt to a 28-year old, who’s just carving out her place in life...establishing her career, sending out feelers to find a partner. Instead, she has to think about statistics, blood cell counts, cryopreservation of her eggs...all these things that none of us ever consider... and it make me realize that my complaints and worries are so absolutely, ludicrously petty compared to what she is going through. So what Erma Bombeck said is absolutely true...Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Life is too short to be depressed about stupid, unimportant, external things....
Say a prayer for a dear friend.....Dear Lord, please help her kick this cancer in the ass!!!!!!!!!


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