Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Crazy Train

- Ozzy Osbourne

I think that everybody is losing their marbles. It seems that everyone around me is just plain looney toons. In the past year, all of my friends have been going through all types of life upheavals. A very old and dear friend very recently broke some really shocking news to me. My jaw dropped, I can’t say too much about it for fear of making the unknowing suspicious but really, sometimes I analyze the people I’m surrounded by and I think WTF. Did the nuthouse have an escape? My life is downright boring compared to everyone else’s and I kinda like it like that, cause I don’t think I’d enjoy this type of nutso activity stressing my already stressed out life. I’m getting tired just thinking about them. Sometimes I think I’m the only normal person I know and that’s a pretty scary thought...I can’t elaborate...I’m tired...


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