Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Take a Bow


I don’t have much to chat about today...just a little update on the only show I follow.
After a climactic episode of Amazing Race, with Victoria’s dramatic injury scene involving more screaming and crying than usual, it seems that the curtain came down for those hyper psychos. Actually, it was all very disappointing in the end. John seemed very civil and subdued instead of the going postal reaction I was expecting. I actually felt some sympathy for him, go figure? It’s as if I was expecting the explosive pop you get when you put a needle to an overinflated balloon, and instead it just kind of deflated as it slalomed left and right in the air. Oh well, now I’ll have to focus my attention on those steroid-pumped southern-drawling wrestlers. I have to admit though, I think that the long-distance daters, John and Kris will take it. They don’t attract any attention to themselves, and like to keep a low-profile. We haven’t seen them pull a sweat, or show any emotion, or look tired, or curse or yell at eachother...or nothing! Which makes me kind of suspiscious...What are they, like NAVY seals undercover as mere mortal civilians? What kind of sneaky trick are they gonna pull?


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