Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Come Together

Wow, two posts in one day! I just wanted to introduce some new links. I like to support my friends, so I'm linking their blogs to mine. The Dubai Chronicles are the articles/stories and musings of a friend of mine that left Montreal a few years ago to brave the political storms of the Middle East. She always was a vivacious (shy yet paradoxically chatty) fashionista, but no one could have guessed that the little skinny girl with the long (and I mean long!) hair would one day become a globetrotting journalist. She is an interesting read so I hope you check out her site.
Life on the Other Side of The Pond is a new blog that another friend just started. She is also an old friend from Montreal. She moved to Toronto a few years back, and since then, the travel bug bit her and she's become mighty adventurous, living and traveling across Australia all of last year while swimming with sharks and parachuting. Now she's decided to settle down and see if life in the UK is more to her liking so she'll be documenting her adventures or mis-adventures as she calls them.
I enjoy keeping track of my buddies through blogs, so please people, if you start one up let me know and I'll link up. Scarbiedoll (Martinis for Milk) started it all as she introduced me to the Blog last year when she started her own hilarious documented journey towards motherhood.
And Femail Advice is now going down that same mommy road. We grew up together as neighbors and over the years she moved on (also to Toronto!) and now her husband has been transferred to Mexico so she's keeping us abreast of her new life South of the Border.
Keep up the good work girls. Keep writing and giving me a good laugh (or sometimes a sobering thought to dwell on). New blogs are welcome!


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