Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Rock You Like A Hurricane

- Scorpion
I know I’ve been really remiss in writing for the past little while but it seems that time is steam-rolling past me like a supersonic train, leaving me on a dusty platform trying to catch my breath in its wake...What can I say, I don’t have a minute to think, let alone write! But I felt like I had to give my two cents’ worth about this whole Katrina business....

Although I can’t imagine the devastation that people feel after having lost everything, their family members, houses, belongings, jobs, pictures, cars, communities, whatever...I’m finding it very difficult to sympathize with people that are resorting to violence and terrorizing their own (raping and stealing) as well as attacking those who are trying to help them (firefighters, medics)? What is wrong with these people!
For a country that considers themselves to be the most civilized country in the world (compared to third world countries like Haiti, Dom. Rep., Sri-Lanka etc...), they are acting like complete heathens - uncivilized savages! Those other countries have also dealt with natural disasters of enormous magnitude, they are also poverty-stricken communities, and some of them are also historically violent communities (like in Haiti), yet when disaster struck them, they acted in a much more humane way. You cannot convince me that the misery of Americans supersedes that of other nations. Those other countries didn’t even HAVE a Walmart to pillage even if they wanted to. There are not Kmart’t in Sri-Lanka where people can steal diapers and food, yet they managed and helped eachother to rise again and restart some semblance of a life. In the richest country in the world, where even poor people have more in their possession that those in third world countries, this is when you see evil. And while I cannot fault those who looted essentials to survive, people looting guns to terrorize others in the same miserable situation as them cannot be described in any other words other than evil.

Instead of coming together as a community that has witnessed such a disaster, and trying to organize a system of help and support, it has become a lawless, free for all, Lord Of T he Flies-like rampage, taking advantage of people that are just as poor, as well as the sick, the elderly, the young, the defenseless and the bereft.

Only in a society that is so individualist, uncaring and consumer-based.... God bless America indeed! I won’t even begin to talk about the government! Those same southern-basin, Old-South voters that placed him there are having to deal with his inadequacy as a leader. I can sympathize with these poor unemployed victims that are astounded that the government is paying 25$/hour to other people from other states rather than them to come and clean up the debris in their own communities. The worst part is that I’m sure if Texas had been hit with Katrina rather the Mississipi or Louisiana, this whole thing would have been dealt with immediately and not because it’s his home state, but because it’s the big money oil and cattle state. I can’t write more on Bush because there is just too much to say.

The utterly threadbare fabric of American society has been exposed for all to see. A beautiful shell that glitters when one looks from afar, but as soon as the shell is crushed, the empty, hollow nothingness that is inside stares us in the face. In a country that likes to pretend that segregation and racism are a thing of the past and that they are multi-cultural, these thousands of people suffering in these enormous football arenas are a glaring reminder to us all that it is still prevalent.

To put the icing on this stinking cake, you have these moronic media-journalists that are dubbing this as OUR 9/11, OUR HIROSHIMA and OUR HOLOCAUST. What a complete and utter insult to all of the victims of those tragedies. Even saying OUR TSUNAMI is insulting to those victims. Although Katrina has caused much misery, trauma, death, disease,it is not the worst, first nor the last disaster this planet has endured. In all of history, many societies have suffered from equally devastating events, but because these victims lived in a big American city, captured by big American TV- network cameras with catchy subtitles, they want us to think that they have suffered more than anyone else in this world....Well, I don’t buy it....When the tsunami hit, there was no Astrodome to ship people off to, they lived IN the excrement, with the dead floating around them, and yet they didn’t shoot at, steal from, or rape eachother....The whole thing is sickening....Unpalatable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi La Blogueuse,
I have to say that your blog hits the spot!
I was out looking for information on swim shirt but found your post: Rock You Like A Hurricane to be far more interesting than what I was looking for. Quite a good job you're doing on your site here... I'm thinking about making a blog about swim shirt I want to make it look like yours here. If you have any tips or secrets maybe you could share :)

It was great to visit your blog, thanks.

8:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy La Blogueuse,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your Rock You Like A Hurricane post. I gave up my search for rashguards s sport information and wanted to hang out here on your blog - well done. I might make a blog like yours about rashguards s sport, but I wouldn't try to compete with you. You're doing a great job La Blogueuse.
You got a great thing going... by friend.

3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha La Blogueuse,
I'm a visitor from Hawaii and just found your post Rock You Like A Hurricane. I like it... it's interesting so I decided to read and say hi. Although my interests are mostly about rash guards related information right now, your blog got my attention and was a nice change. Thanks for your nice blog La Blogueuse, I think I'll tell my cousin to stop by if that's okay.
~ Aloha ~

1:33 PM

Blogger scarbie doll said...

Looks like you're getting spammed by weirdos. Welcome to the club. Why don't these freaks just leave us alone? The way they write, you'd think they actually read your blog!

Anyway, write more stuff! Miss you guys. Gotta make it out to MTL soon. Might have to wait for the Spring now...

11:15 PM


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