Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

- Don Gardner

Another yuletide has come and gone. Good times were had by all. I can’t complain. Well, maybe a little.

All in all I had a grand time. My parents, my in-laws, Curly and Sylvester (Curly’s fiancé), Pacino and I, all drove down to T.O. to spend time with our extended families (uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, friends). Things went well in general except that Pacino can get a little high strung when the pressure is on, which leads to retarded arguments on the basis of nothing. Whereas I tend to be the more laid-back, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal. The spontaneous with the well-planned & organized can sometimes erupt in a messy argument. N-e-how, nothing serious, but I guess I was PMS-ing around the same time so the tears were quick to flow, which made me feel stupid and made him feel like a cretin.

We partied, ate way TOO MUCH, spent time with family, though nearly not as much as I’d wished. Some of the cool things I got to do was to have a board game night with family and friends including Scarbie, which makes me think - the more I get to know her the more I think that if I’d grown up in T.O. that her and I would have been tight as 2 tits in a push up bra (I so love how her mind works and her sense of humor - I also got to meet Nate - cute as a button that kid, and what beautiful eyes). My husband surprised us all with his knowledge of all things Tibetan (Yeti that is) while playing Cranium, we’re still laughing over that one - I guess he still has the ability to surprise me from time to time (and I thought his trivia stopped at sports).

I also got to skate for the first time in 15 years (I know, I know, what kind of Canuck you say?). Well, I hadn’t skated since my early teens, not since the boobs and hips and a few extra pounds had kicked in. Needless to say, my centre of gravity ain’t the same as it used to be, but I did have a fab time and decided to start skating again.
As for New Year’s, I had a small intimate party with some F&F. Drank too much as Trekkie and I tried to make Cosmopolitans that ended up tasting like Benadryl. I was under the effects of a starter buzz before half my guests even showed up - I am such a cheap lush! N-e-way, now that we bought this cool glass and metal retro bar for our basement, I can start practicing to make martinis, but I gotta run out and buy some Triple Sec first. Grand Marnier just didn’t cut it, hence the Benadryl taste.

I got some cool presents. Curly and Sylvester game me this awesome book. Mamina actually surprised me this year and bought me a really cute pink coat that I love. OK, now most of you who know me know that I would never ever combine the words cute, pink, and love all in one sentence. After all I was a Metalhead in my youth and thought that my Black Years had totally obliterated any girlhood affection to all things cute, pink or girly. First off, I’ve always hated pink (aside from Magenta or Fushia that I love). For years, I’ve either opted for neutrals or strong deep colors, never pastell-y cutesy colors....but lo and behold, I love the coat and I feel so girlish and flirty in it (words not often associated to myself, who tend to be no-nonsense, ballsy, and generally disdainful of all things girlish and flirty, preferring Bette Davis over cream-puffesque Sandra Dee.). I guess that even after 31 years, you can still surprise yourself and you shouldn’t take yourself for granted and try new things. I skated and wore a pink coat in the same week!

As for resolutions, after a hectic year of renos and hard work, this year I resolve to have more fun. How about that! No mention of weight loss, or budgeting or other boring things. Yes folks, I want to have more fun. As we get older, our everyday life tends to creep in and steal every minute of our day, making each day seem like the other till we’re so numb that we haven’t realized that our life has gone by. So this year I plan to break the monotony and go out of my way to have fun. I will ski, I will skate, I will shop, I will laugh too loud, I will eat, I will drink, I will love, I will soak in the tub, I will dance, and sing out louder than I usually do, I will travel, and sleep too much or not enough, I will rock my husband’s world (and he sure better rock mine) and I will try to make it contagious so that everyone I know gets bitten by the fun bug too.

So here’s wishing all of you an awesome year 2006 and may you all be healthy and have loads of fun. Oops, I forgot, I dedicate this post to my little godson whose 2 first teeth (bottom front) popped out on Christmas Day! Armed with 2 sharp mini-Chiclets, his drooly smiles are priceless! Smile pibsqueak, your fairy godmother luvs ya!


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