Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense


Blood Sugar Sex Magic

- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Are you ready for this my last post, I was whining about baby-making timing, and now I sit before you with a certain glow, a bionic sense of smell, a thumpity-thump rhythm inside and a slightly nauseous feeling...
Life is definately ironic....
As I sat writing my complaints, a little embryo was making its way down to implant, because 2 weeks after I wrote my last post, on April 1st (yes April Fools on top of that), a little wet stick told me that baby is gonna make 3 (end of November according to doctor, December 2 according to my calculations).
The funny thing is that the day I wrote that plaintive post was after weeks of cumulative bad luck and crappy stuff happening culminating in my bad mood (throw in some budding hormones and presto!) We had just gone through a hellish 3 months. First Pacino's cat (who stayed at the family home with my in-laws) disappeared at Xmas never to return. Then my mother-in-law was feeling sick/crappy. Then my father-in-law was having serious excruciating pain in his leg, causing him to cry for hours a day. Next was weeks and weeks of doctors visits and med adjustments for my FIL (we were driving him to visits as he was in too much pain to drive). Then, my FIL gets into a car accident, car flips, he's physically fine and didn't hurt anyone else THANK GOD, but can't remember what happened just before (we think the mix meds made him zone out or maybe even fall asleep at the wheel!). Then he was in so much pain that we took him to emergency, and that same night, Pacino and I also got into a minor car accident....argh!!!!!!!!!!!! Never ending crap...and then this....a wonderful newsflash...we were so embroiled in our February month of misery that we weren't even thinking about getting pregnant, but the stork picked this moment to be our time. A week before my post, Pacino went down to Ottawa for work and I decided to tag along to see some customers as well, and well, we had a few nights of no doctors appointments and FIL stuff, good meals, good drinks, no housework (hotels are lovely!) = baby magic.
Here is the cool thing. About a week after my last post (one week before I found out I was pregnant), we had friends over for supper. Their younger daughter who's about 5 years old asked my how come I didn't have any kids. So I explained to her that I hadn't found a baby yet that was as sweet as her to pick as my child, she just nodded and said, oh-OK. Then as they were leaving a few hours later and we were saying our goodbyes at the door, the little girl hugged my stomach and kissed it, and when her mom asked her what she was doing, she said she was saying goodbye to the freaky is she knew. A few weeks ago, we were at their place and I tell her the news that I am pregnant and that she was the first to predict it. Then i asked her if she knew if it was a boy or girl and she's's a boy, for sure...
It has definately been an emotional few weeks.
I know traditionally the news is not spread in the first 3 months due to miscarriage concerns, but I had no choice to spread it from the moment I found out. Since I work with chemicals all day (and can't continue doing so while pregnant), all the company employees, my clients, everybody knows. And I gotta tell you, the joy that lights people's eyes when I tell them is precious. It makes me feel great that everyone is so happy about the little one, a.k.a. Shrimp (long story, involving greek waitress at a mother's day supper)
We just had the first sonogram, and all I can say is WOW! It was life altering experience for both me and Pacino. In my head I kept thinking it's the size of a grain of rice...but there is was on the screen, the profile of a little baby, with a distinct forehead, nose, mouth, arms.....a strong beating heart....miracle. My grandma looked at the pics of the ultrasound and declared...Oh, it's gonna be a boy, I can tell from the nose, it looks like Pacino...we'll see I guess.
So far, 2 votes say boy, what's your guess?


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