Stories about Life, Love and Other Such Nonsense



Good morning day
Sorry I’m not there
But all my favourite friends
Vanished in the air
It’s hard to fly
when you can’t even run
Once I had the world,
but now I’ve got no one

-Three Days Grace

I watch the images of bodies piling up... parents, children, siblings, lovers, friends. Some of them were going about their daily routine, working, cooking, going to school, taking a crap. Others were celebrating a wedding, or a birthday, and others yet were maybe mourning at a funeral. Some people were in hospitals undergoing heart surgery, or giving birth. Then there were the sun-worshipers planning their itinerary to figure out how best to spend their hard-earned vacation or honeymoon. Their day came to an abrupt halt, as everything else fell away and they had to face the most climactic, cataclysmic, apocalyptic moment in their lives! If we take one single moment, and try to picture ourselves in their place at that exact moment. Try to go through all the thoughts, emotions and utterly terrible chaos that they lived through. The magnitude of their loss. The complete and devastating helplessness they must have felt as their loved ones were whisked away like flotsam, engulfed, digested by the roiling ocean. Thousands of kilometres away, we are celebrating our holiday season and planning a crazy night on the town for New Year’s. Let’s all say a prayer to all those who are suffering the loss of a loved one and let’s give them hope by helping the only way we can, donate to a relief agency like the Red Cross...

Happy New Year everybody


Trapped Under Ice

I don't know how to live through this hell
Woken up, I'm still locked in this shell
Frozen soul, frozen down to the core
Break the ice, I can't take anymore
Can't move at all
Can't hear my call
I am dying to live
Cry out

I'm trapped under ice - Metallica

Yikes, It’s freaking freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing today! It's so cold not even your nips want to peek out to see what's going on. I had to whip out the heavy artillery this morning...thermal longjohns, headband, neckwarmer, the works...Normally, these items only see usage when I hit the slopes, but today......
Already I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. But to wake up only to be accosted with -25C temperatures (-39C with windchill) is just inhumane! There should be a law in Canada that if the temperature goes below-20, we should all just stay home, light a fire in the fireplace and sip some hot chocolate...Mmmmmm....
Instead I had to wake up to a frozen, weak battery that just wouldn’t cooperate, run out to CrappyTire and buy some booster cables (what kind of Canuck am I anyways not to own booster cables in the first place?), sit in traffic for 1 ½ hours, and 5 hours later I’m still frozen to the bone. On days like this I think...Why, oh why, did my parents immigrate here instead of California or something....The snow I can deal with as I’ve grown up loving it, but this goddamn chill that seeps into every crevasse of my double helix is just unbearable. Bah humbug!


Fat Bottomed Girls

Are you gonna take me home tonight
Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go round

How interesting that the one man that chose to belt out a song championing my greatest ASSet happened to be gay...

Well, I am NOT ashamed to say that I have a BIG ass! OK, maybe not so big that you could balance a cafeteria tray on it, but needless to say that I am not lacking in any way in that department. It’s been really refreshing to see that over the years, the mass public has decided that big asses are hot, courtesy of a certain Latina.

When I was an early teen (I think they call-em tweens or something), I was a little shy about the roundness of my ass (although I was a lot thinner then, it was still - always out there). Everyone around me were butt-less wonders, and oh how I prayed to wake up one morning to a barely detectable derriere...but, thanks to my very hilarious, non-apologetic grandma who told me not to be ashamed but instead to be proud of my hereditary hiney, I was made aware of the fantastic powers of my fanny. Her encouraging words told a young, impressionable girl not to be ashamed of her body, but to embrace it.

This is: An Ode to Me Bum

Oh, Me bum...

How you stayed with me
Through thick and thin
When I punished you through Weight Watchers
and days at the gym.

You’ve always been so kind
Especially when it snows
On the ski-slopes over the years
You cushioned so many blows

I tried to squeeze you
Into jeans too tight
But you made me realize
I was losing the fight

I couldn’t hide you
Or make you disappear
And when the boys saw you
It was suddenly clear

I’ve learned to embrace you
Big, round and luscious
Fat-bottomed girls rock
Cause they’re so bootyliscious!


Oops I did it again.

-Britney Spears

Another summer passed by with me enviously staring at beautiful women baring their thighs for all the world to see in those Daisy Duke shorts, while I scoffed down ice cream and sweat in my jeans. Another summer gone with no shorts in sight for me.

Well, a couple of months ago, with the arrival of fall, I kind of felt this obligation (as I do almost every year) to lose weight. This year, after entertaining the idea (after one particularly depressing day), I didn’t even pretend to go on one...Normally, the bitter misery that would have culminated over the course of the summer would have prompted my fall diet binge, but not this time. What could this possibly mean? Uh-oh! Maybe it’s a terrible sign that I’ve given up for good! Maybe I’ve resigned myself to having Abs of Jello rather than Buns of Steel for all eternity! I thought that turning 30 was going to nudge me into action, but apparently after this many years, you learn to accept yourself for who you are? What a ludicrous, cockamamy idea that was....learning to accept yourself, hah! Dumb, stupid idea!

I have to change my way of thinking. Instead of accepting myself as I am, I should be striving to achieve the unrealistic ideals worshiped by all North American mankind. What kind of freak am I to go against society. I KNOW! ...I figured out why I lapsed into this hippy-like bohemian self-love... It must be because I’ve stopped buying women’s magazines...That MUST be it! In the past 8 months, having been busy with all these renovations and stuff, all I’ve done is buy home decor magazines. What was I thinking! I need to motivate and reform myself. I need to immerse myself and read a years worth of Cosmo. I need to watch endless streams of music videos where semi-naked nymphs dance provocatively around the screen. I need to see the light...Bring on Britney!


Vulgar Display Of Power

Well I guess
You took my youth
And gave it all away. (CEMETARY GATES - Pantera)

This morning I opened my email only to find out that one of my favorite guitarists, Dimebag Darrell (Pantera, DamagePlan) was shot to death at one of his concerts!!! I am outraged. What kind of sicko goes to a concert where people are trying to enjoy themselves and opens fire on to the band and crowd! People are totally screwed in their f***ing heads.
No one is safe anywhere! Schools, malls, clubs...our everyday lives are being put at risk due to psychotic morons with guns...and people think that guns shouldn’t be legislated...more morons. If I have to hear the stupid expression of "Guns don’t kill people, People kill people" one more time, I’ll be getting F***ING HOSTILE myself! That is the stupidest sentence I’ve ever heard of in my life! The sole function of a gun, its entire purpose is to damage and kill living things. All this self-defense bullshit just doesn’t sway me either. Why does the Unites States have such a high crime rate per capita than any other industrial / G8 country in the world....I have no doubt that all those people bought guns for the purpose of self-defense, yeah right....MORONS!!!!!!!!!!
With decline in mind
End not far
We're left hanging alone here...
Beckon the call... (BY DEMONS BE DRIVEN - Pantera)

*sniffle* I’m really angry now at the asshole that did this. Too bad the cops shot him down. I’m sure Dimebag’s brother Vinnie (drummer of the band...and witness to his brother’s assassination) would have loved to club him to death with DD’s guitar.
I do apologize for the violent aggressivity I’m exhibiting but I am so sad that I will never again get to hear the sweet sounds of his guitar Live.....One of Metal’s greats has been snuffed...
I feel HOLLOW.

*All capitalized words are titles from the ultimate masterpiece of all metal albums - Vulgar Display Of Power.* Get educated and listen to some new music if you've never listened to metal.


Hier soir DJ a sauvé mon âme avec cette chanson

(Last night a DJ saved my soul with this song.)
- Jean Leloup, 1990

Some of you asked, where did the title of this blog come in my molecules? The answer to that question may make it seem like I’m a freak of nature or something, but there must be others out there like me...

The thing is, it’s like I have a radio in my head, with the tuning knob constantly streaming through the channels and no Power Off button.
One minute it’ll be tuned to Top 40 and hip-hop, the other it’s 50's Jive, followed by old school disco, some British invasion, a medley of salsa/mambo/ we’ll move onto some Bethoven and company, a little Blues from King and Clapton, throw in some Metallica and friends, 80's pop and glamrock, international mix (insert Arabic, Italian, French, Greek, Armenian,etc...), some Xmas songs (yup, even in the middle of July), followed by some Julie Andrews musical favorites. Next comes the Simpsons opening song which will get me started on sitcom songs, ad jingles, nursery rhymes, name it’s playing in my head, ALL THE TIME, often simultaneously.
What most people don’t realize is this music is constantly playing, albeit at a low volume most of the time, but I go about my daily activites, conversing, reading, calculating, writing, and the DJ in my head never quits. I go to bed with a song in my head, and wake up with another. The channels change constantly, way before the half-way mark of the song, and even when I’m listening to real radio, the one in my head will be playing another I’ve come to the conclusion that music lives in my molecules, and I’ll keep on rocking ...Until the day the music dies...
So Bye-bye, Miss American Pie...Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry....